Business Flights


Carbon Neutral or Carbon Negative?

Covering your footprint is a great start, but it will not be enough to reverse climate change on its own. As we reduce our emissions, going carbon negative will help our planet recover faster.

Project Risk Mitigation

Clear uses stringent project criteria but some clients like additional cover. This option adds 15% contingency to baseline.

Clear - Climate Experts since 2005
74 reviews
independently verified
rating 4.58 / 5

Clear invests in clean, high quality carbon offset projects to match the emissions produced by your business flights. Select the number of stops, the airports you travelled through, the cabin you are travelling in and whether its a one-way or return journey and Clear will instantly calculate the correct emissions to give you a live price for that journey. If more than one flight was taken on that route you can change the number of flights. Your business flight carbon offset purchase will take less than two minutes from start to finish. If you are offsetting several routes consider using our offline carbon offset tool for business where you can enter up to 25 flight routes at the same time.


This product is QAS-Certified. It is independently audited every year to ensure it continues to meet stringent criteria for accurate calculation, transparency of information and correct matching against high quality carbon reduction projects. An independent accountant signs off every carbon offset purchase line-by-line during the process to ensure every tonne of carbon is accounted for.
Based on 68 reviews

Thanks for your service.

9 months ago

This is my go-to place for offsetting my carbon footprint.

10 months ago
Louise Angela Goldman
1 year ago

Excellent on all counts.

9 months ago

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Carbon offsets for business

Business audit tools